Past NCAPPS Webinars

Co-Producing Recovery and Resiliency in Indiana Using Recovery Data

Thursday, November 30, 2021

Person-centered, data-driven decision making for recovery and recovery support services is possible. Indiana has made key policy changes at a state and agency level that increase the availability of data sharing across agencies. The Recovery Supports Workgroup of the Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) uses this data to evaluate gaps in key recovery supports, to make recommendations, and track recovery and resilience outcomes. In this webinar session, co-sponsored by NCAPPS and the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMPHD) everyone will learn innovative ways of looking for, collecting, and utilizing recovery-specific data that drives and enhances recovery outcomes through person-centered planning beginning to end.

Meet the presenters

Amy Brinkley

Amy Brinkley is the Director of Recovery Support Services for the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction (DMHA) and Chairperson for the national Division of Recovery Support Services (DRSS). Amy’s work focuses on quality peer recovery and recovery support services. She’s excited to be part of Indiana’s team advancing recovery support services and setting the bar nationally for the collection of recovery data.

Ari Nassirri

Ari Nassirri is the Director of Behavioral Health Integration for the Indiana DMHA. His responsibilities at DMHA focus on progressing the level of integration across the continuum of care for behavioral health and substance use disorder providers in Indiana, as well as increasing the integration of data sources among such providers and at the state level. Ari is very excited to work with the Recovery Support Workgroup and assist with their strategy to expand and utilize recovery data.

Wendy Harrold

Wendy Harrold M.S. is the Executive Director of Data Strategy for the Indiana DMHA. Mrs. Harrold oversees Certification and Licensure, Quality Improvement, Data and Performance Measurement. Mrs. Harrold has been working with the Division in several positions for twelve years. Before working with the Division, Mrs. Harrold managed data collection, publications, and the database for a 2-1-1 call center. She holds degrees in Applied Computer Science and Health Informatics.

Sarah Gunther

Sarah Gunther is a person in recovery with mental health challenges and substance use disorder. She uses her lived experience in her role as Executive Director of KEY Consumer Organization, a consumer-run organization in Indiana that provides empowerment and support through its peer services and mental health warmline. Sarah advocates for mental wellness through her participation on several councils and committees.

Tina Skeel

Tina Skeel is the Director of Indiana Works at Aspire Indiana Health, Inc. She has devoted the last 30+ years of her life to removing barriers to employment for persons with disabilities. She has provided employment and benefits counseling, educating thousands of individuals and their families that you can work while receiving benefits. She has written and co-authored numerous publications to provide education on the many work incentives that are available.

Jay Chaudhary

Jay Chaudhary JD is the Director of the Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction. Previously, he was the Managing Attorney and Director of Medical Legal Partnerships for the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.

Rebcecca Sigafus

Rebecca Sigafus is the Chief Executive Officer of Essential Virtual Solutions, LLC and has more than 35 years of experience in direct service, management, and operations in both private and non-for-profit business sectors surrounding mental health and managed care. She is skilled in project management, grant writing, development of policies and procedures to comply with state and national standards, as well as designing and implementing quality improvement programs, data metrics, quality program documentation, data reporting/dashboards and analysis.


NCAPPS is an initiative from the Administration for Community Living and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to help States, Tribes, and Territories to implement person-centered practices. NCAPPS webinars are open to the public, and are geared toward human services administrators, providers, and people who use long-term services and supports. All NCAPPS webinars will be recorded and archived at