Past NCAPPS Webinars

Cultural Competence: What it Means for Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, & Practice

Tuesday, October 29th 2019

Cultural competence is widely recognized as essential to the delivery of high quality and effective services and supports by policy makers, health, mental health and social service professionals, educators, and researchers. There is a solid base of evidence that cultural competence improves access, utilization, outcomes, and satisfaction in health and human service delivery systems. While this evidence is compelling, many organizations have struggled to integrate cultural competence into their person-centered thinking, planning, and practice. This webinar will: (1) Describe a framework for cultural competence and at the individual and organizations levels; (2) Provide a “real life” example of an organization that values and practices cultural competence; and (3) Highlight personal narratives of individuals who will share what culturally competent services mean to them; and (4) Describe how cultural competence and person-centered thinking and practice are integrally linked.

Meet the presenters

Tawara Goode

Tawara Goode is Director of the Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. She is also the Director of the National Center for Cultural Competence with a mission to increase the capacity of health care and mental health care programs to design, implement, and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems to address growing diversity, persistent disparities, and to promote health and mental health equity.

Brenda Liz Muñoz

Brenda Liz Muñoz is an Executive Committee Member with the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities and a Community Services Specialist in the Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University. She co-leads a diverse, multi-sector consortium of professionals, families, and allies which focuses on: capacity building and collective impact; Latino parent education and leadership training; and advocacy in policy and systems of care. She is a proud parent of a nonverbal young man who lives with severe to profound autism spectrum disorders.

Christie Carter

Christie Carter is the Older Adult Program Coordinator at the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center. She has a Masters of Education with a focus on instructional design and is part of both the LGBT and disability communities. She uses her personal experiences in both of these groups to educate policymakers and advocate for the older adults she works with every day.

Diana Autin

Diana Autin is Co-Director of the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network, New Jersey's "one-stop" for families, and the FV Leadership in Family Professional Partnerships. She directs the National Center for Parent Leadership, Advocacy, and Community Empowerment (National PLACE), which advocates to enhance the voice of diverse families and family-led organizations at decision-making tables. She is a of Cajun and Native American heritage and is the adoptive mother of four adult children from diverse cultures – she is deeply committed to cultural reciprocity and language access.

Lorraine Davis

Lorraine Davis is a member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe, and the Founder and Executive Director of the Native American Development Center, a Native American-governed nonprofit located in Bismarck, ND. The center’s person and family-centered model addresses socio-cultural and economic challenges that inhibit Native American’s ability to improve their lives for themselves and their children. It was designed in response to the cultural dissonance Lorraine encountered upon first moving to Bismarck from a reservation as a single-parent when she had no money and an alcohol addiction. She is a current Ed.D student in Education Leadership and Administration.


This webinar is the second in a four-part series that explores cultural and linguistic competence as it relates to person-centered thinking, planning, and practice. The series is presented by the Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence and the National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practice, NCAPPS is a new initiative from the Administration for Community Living and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to help States, Tribes, and Territories to implement person-centered practices. NCAPPS webinars are open to the public, and are geared toward human services administrators, providers, and people who use long-term services and supports. All NCAPPS webinars will be recorded and archived at